New Moon in Leo

All new moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle. This is when the sun & moon are exactly opposing each other in the same degree of a specific sign of the zodiac. The sun and moon represent the divine masculine and feminine energies that are within all of us. So it’s always a time to call forth balance in life.

New moons are sometimes referred to as the Dark Moon as we can’t see her shine, but her lack of visibility is not reflected in her strength and at the time of the new moon this lunar and solar energy is extremely potent!

The moon represents your intuition, your shadow self and emotional body while the sun relates to your ego, identity, physical body & your life force.


As Leo is ruled by the sun, this lunation becomes even more powerful, enhancing and super charging the positive potency of this new moon as it sits in the sun’s favourite sign, similar to the extra strength and potency of Cancer’s new moon.


Leo is all heart, a warm, creative, passionate, fierce and fun fixed fire sign who wants you to live, feel, create and enjoy your life to the fullest expression of who you are. Leo is also related to children & fertility & Leo’s leadership qualities brings its focus and energy to our Solar Plexus (sun centre), the place where our personal power and ego reside, where our hearts and personalities meet to cocreate who we are through love. Keep your ego in check when working with Leo energy, stay in your heart and don’t let the lion’s pride lead you astray! This new moon is an invitation to check in with yourself, your autonomy, your inner child, your self-validation. Where in your life could you embrace more internal validation? What do you enjoy in life, are you lacking joy? What does joy feel like to you?


Look within to feel validation and self-reliance. You have everything you need right there in your heart centre! Embrace this unusually introspective aspect of this Leo new moon and harness its nurturing & transformative fire energy to go within and to find truth & alignment in your wildest dreams!


Now is the time to shine as brightly as you can, be your true self, love yourself! Harness this strong Leo loving energy to remember your limitless nature, what shadow aspects are showing up? Can you go softly with yourself and bring some of the sun’s loving fire to these areas to transform rejection into love for every part of who you are? It is safe to express yourself with a loving mighty roar! Leo has your back!


Think of a new moon as a clean slate, a chance to renew, leave the old cycle behind and move forward. Drop into your heart and bring forth your newest intentions, your new beginnings. Things might start off a little slower than you’d hoped or expected as you begin working with this lunar phase but stay focused and take baby steps every day toward your intentions. If you stay true to your individuality and bring your unique expression of essence into the world – then you’re unstoppable!


There is so much new energy being streamed onto the Earth right now, our rates of consciousness raising has accelerated massively (check out Lee Harris and Pam Gregory for more on this). Embrace this opportunity and don’t be surprised if you feel like you are gaining more clarity or higher wisdom or guidance than ever before – don’t doubt it – it’s really happening!

So between now and the new moon, set a little time aside to reflect on

·      where do I seek validation outside of myself?

·      how could I validate myself more?

·      how could I feel more self-reliant?

·      what’s working for me in life?

·      what’s not?

·      how is my inner child?

·      where could I inject more fun and playfulness into my life?

·      where am I being called to dream big and move forward with loving, heart centred pride?

Let your heart fearlessly lead you and expect all your dreams to come true.


Join us for our Online New Moon gathering to sit in virtual circle with other like minded moon lovers. I guide the group through an informative class, complete with pdf worksheet, we meditate, heal and more. This class is part of our online community membership where for just €22.22 per month you can access our new and full moon online classes with pdf worksheets, you get access to our online community group and you get to be part of our Masterclass series where every month we learn about a spiritual practice, meditate together and have soul chats. Join our membership here or book here as a one off class for just €11.11

With love always,



Soul Circles


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