Just for today I will be grateful…
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity … it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
- Melody Beattie
Gratitude, that word seems to loose its potency these days, we hear a lot of “be grateful” “practice gratitude & the law of attraction will deliver everything you desire” - as true as that is and as sure as there is no denying being grateful is a powerful state of being, it can be hard to grasp the true concept of what it means to be grateful in day to day life.
Defined in the oxford dictionary as
“the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks”, so how does that translate into a practice or something you can actually begin to adopt and why would you want to?
Feeling gratitude in the true sense can improve your wellbeing, increase your levels of happiness, improve your immune system and help you to see all the good in your life, even if you’re struggling at the moment. A practice of appreciation will also help to raise your vibrational frequency, we are all energy vibrating at different frequencies and we attract that which is at a similar frequency to us. So by incorporating gratitude and become more thankful for your life, you can attract more of what you love into your life.
As with many self care practices, gratitude will benefit from the compound effect, meaning the more you practice it, the better you feel! Here are some easy ways to start practicing gratitude in your life:
Pause, take a breath, put your hand on your heart and think of 3 things you are truly grateful for
Heart fully thank someone each day
Send a thank you card to someone this week
Pay it forward, pay for the next persons coffee/admission somewhere
Start a gratitude journal where you spend a few minutes each day writing things you are grateful for
Start a gratitude jar, writing one thing each day that you are grateful for and reading these on new years eve
Look for the small things to be grateful for too
I hope these small tips might help you to adopt this reiki principle in your life. If you already practice gratitude and have any other tips I’d love to hear from you.
With love,