Just for today I will not be angry…
Welcome back to our second week of your introduction to the Reiki Principles. This week we are looking at the precept of not being angry. Sometimes that can seem easier to say than to accomplish but trust me, even if you feel angry a lot - you can begin to take baby steps towards a life with less anger.
We live in a vibrational universe, everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even our thoughts and emotions have a unique frequency. Anger has a low vibrational frequency and has been proven to have negative effects on our immune system and overall wellbeing. So you can see why it would be so beneficial to try to adopt this principle - even if it is just for today.
Our state of anger can be triggered by many things throughout our days, triggered - not caused by. Our emotions, thoughts, actions etc are all a reflection of our unique inner world, we all live this life from that place.
A great way to begin to move past anger is to reflect on what it is that you feel “makes” you angry?
Is it a situation?
Is it a relationship?
Is it your role in your family?
Is it work?
Or perhaps you don’t know what triggers you and that’s ok.
If you have identified your trigger areas - then you can start to ask yourself what is this issue missing that would improve the situation?
How are your boundaries?
How is the communication in that area?
Do you feel heard?
Do you speak from the heart?
If you can’t identify your trigger points, try to bring your awareness into your body. Where do you feel the anger in your body? If you feel the anger in a specific area of the body this could be a message from your body. Check out the mind body connection if this resonates with you. Louise Hay is a great resource for this.
If you can move past anger today, you will be helping yourself to raise your vibration which increases your overall wellbeing! Laughter and love will boost your immunity and restore balance to your body. So if the above excersizes don’t appeal to you, you could try to lift your spirit by doing some of these:
drink lots of water
write down three things you love about yourself/your life
go for a walk/run/swim
connect with nature
meet someone for a cuppa
do something fun
watch your favourite comedy
make a nutritious colourful meal
bake something healthy and delicious
lay the table nicely for yourself, treating yourself as a vip guest
The most important thing to remember here is to go slowly and softly. Take a few minutes today, that’s all and sit with the idea of dropping your anger for laughter or love. It may sound impossible but with little and often practice - you can really change your life by adopting this principle as much as you can.
If this all feels too overwhelming please reach out - I’m here to support you.
As always, with love,