Just for today I will not worry…

Please credit and tag Acorn Lane Holistics if sharing this image.

Do you worry about things or people throughout your day? Do you hold onto worries you had yesterday? Do you ever wake up and for a split second you have now worries only to remind yourself about all the things you “should” be worrying about?
What if “Just for today” you let worry go? What would be different?

Worry comes from us living in the past or the future, but definitely not by living in the here and now. This reiki precept or principle invites us to drop into the present moment and let go of what might happen, focusing on what is. If worrying is something you do alot, then this is your reminder, a whisper to ask you to drop into the now and let go of worry, even just for a couple of breaths to begin with.

Try this excersize:

  1. Get comfortable

  2. Close your eyes or soften your gaze

  3. Breathe in slow and long

  4. As you breathe out imagine a little bit of your worry leaving your body, feel your shoulders drop a little with each exhale

  5. Say to yourself “Just for this breath, I will not worry”

  6. Repeat x 3 minimum

  7. Do this excersize anytime you feel worry within you.

With any act of self love or care it is the compound effect of the repetitive act that creates change in your life, if you can do this excersize every morning this week for 3 breaths, you will begin to notice how much less you worry!

Please let me know how you get on. Tag me on facebook or instagram and hashtag #reikilove

Next week is the second reiki precept “Just for today I will not anger”.

With love,



Just for today I will not be angry…


Big news for you first, part two…