Super Full Moon June 2021


We are very excited about our Wild Woman Full Moon Cacao Ceremony here in Wexford, Ireland on Thursday at 8pm. As this is the last Super Full Moon of this year I thought I would give you a few tips for making the most of it. Why not have your own Cacao Ceremony to honour this powerful time!

This moon is asking us to release the old, release all that no longer serves us or is holding us back. When practiced in circle, especially with fire, this release can be a powerful time of rebirth, a chance to shed our old skin and to trust Grandmother Moon to coat us in the fullness of our new light filled skin.
She is also bringing in the energies of manifestation, unconditional love and calling for the rising of the divine feminine. What this means is that we have a chance to offer our deepest hopes and dreams to the moon and to the universe, trusting that they will deliver these into our realities.

So for your Full Moon Cacao Ceremony I invite you to feel into what things have been holding you back in life, maybe it's a behavioural pattern, fear, confidence, asking permission, needing approval and external validation, maybe it's a past trauma that you are ready to let go of in order to heal, maybe it's something else...write these down on the night and release them into the fire for the moon to receive.

Also, dream, dream, dream...what kind of life would you love to live? What would your life look like if you felt truly free? Where would you be? Who would you be with? What sets your soul on fire??

There are no limitations here! None! Dream to the beat of your heart's drum...write these down too and release them to the beautiful moon through your fire, as we burn them, we SURRENDER to the unlimited, unconditional love and power of manifesting with the Universe.

As we drink Ceremonial Cacao and as her spirit opens our hearts our true desires might FEEL like something different to what we THOUGHT they were - go with the FEELING desires - they are your truth!

What is the rising of the Divine Feminine?
This has nothing to do with being a woman as every human has feminine and masculine energies - they represent the Yin (feminine, the Moon) and Yang (masculine, the Sun) of all life on Earth. Our feminine energies call to our creativity, nurturing ourselves and others, our connection to nature, to the Earth and the cosmos - it calls us to surrender our trust to the Universe. In contrast the masculine energy asks us to be task driven, go go go, push and pull. So finding balance between the two is the key. We need to bring our awareness to the types of tasks we do now, the rise of the divine feminine is asking us, in her gentle, caring way to listen to our hearts, live from our hearts and take more often, inspired action. We must come together at this time to build a life we feel connected to, a life and a community that thrives from co creation and one that is Rooted In Love

Amy xx


Full Supermoon in Sagittarius June 14th