Full Supermoon in Sagittarius June 14th

Full Supermoon in Sagittarius

I hope this post finds you really well and you are managing to find time to rest with all of this strong moon energy flooding in. I loved hosting our full moon cacao circle this morning, what an honour. I am so used to holding full moon circles in the evening but from personal experience I know the energy can be felt all day everyday for around 3 days before and 3 days after and I wanted to give a space to those who can’t do evening events.

This Supermoon in Sagittarius is bringing in some pretty strong and potent energy, do you feel it? We also have the energy of the summer solstice rising so it is the perfect time to be taking some time out for yourself, reflecting on the year so far and feeling into what you might like the rest of your year to feel like!

Also called the Mead Moon, Horse Moon, Dyan Moon, and Rose Moon, this particular Supermoon (so called when it is at its closest proximity to Earth) is known most commonly as the Strawberry Moon because in Native America it was the time of harvesting strawberries. I like Rose moon for this one due to it's connection to the divine feminine and as you will read below this is very fitting!

This beautiful full moon is calling on us to bring more balance to our lives by embracing and invoking our true divine feminine energy, that is not to say it is only for women, all human beings have both feminine and masculine energies within. Our divine feminine qualities include things that feel like flow such as... creativity, inspiration, expression, compassion, unconditional love, limitless potential, expansion, cosmic-ness, self love, openness, motherly qualities, wise woman, medicine woman, inner witch, sensuality, connection, sacredness, process driven, creation and so much more - can you feel into any others that I forgot to mention?

Our feminine energy needs to nurture and embrace our masculine energy in order to bring balance and harmony into our human experience - our life! To do this we first need to summon all of our potent, fierce and loving femininity back to us, then we need to hold and mother the masculine qualities which include things that feel like go, such as... task orientated, to do lists, get the job done, logical, analytical, goal driven, structured, assertiveness, confident, bold, adventure, focus, efficiency and so much more - can you think of any more?

So you can see why we need both energies in our lives, without the opposite balancing force we would never move forward or create anything. The perfect way to think about balance of these two parts of yourself is to remember to take inspired action instead of forced action - that is a balance of your feminine inspiration and your masculine action.

There is a lot more to this moon than just that but it's a good place to start! Other themes coming through are journeying, inward or through travel! Embracing your adventurous side in all areas of your life which can bring you a lot of joy, excitement, inspiration, new perspectives, healing and fun - the best medicine around!

We are being asked by this moon to truly and honestly delve into anything that is coming to light now, the fact that this moon is a supermoon - really in your face and close to the Earth means it is shining a brighter light than ever on all hidden aspects of the world, both on a macro scale and on a micro - so for the world as a whole, ie society etc and also on each of us as a unique universe unto ourselves! Allow those dark corners of yourself to be lit up - embrace them, love them, heal them, release them - whatever you need to do, just allow it! Embrace the flow!

This is also a time to enjoy the fruits of your labours - all that you have created vibrationally is lined up for you, whatever you have been calling into your life or whatever is next on your path is there whether you see it, stress it or resist it - so take time now - for June - to REST! It will all flow into your experience one way or another so there's no need to push through or against, simply surrender and allow (simply she says!).

So I invite you to feel into any of these themes that may be showing up for you, I would say ground your energy as much as possible throughout this full moon period (barefeet on the grass or visualisation methods), journal when you can and sit in the light of the moon - don't forget to leave your crystals and your water outside or on a windowsill to soak up the moons energy.

What other full moon rituals do you partake in? As part of our circle each circle member received a sheet to write down all they wish to release and all they are ready to call in. You can do it too by simply writing down your limiting beliefs, destructive patterns or anything else holding you back, then write down all you are ready to call into your life experience. Offer all up to the moon tonight and tomorrow you can complete the releasing. This release can be done through communing with the element of fire and burning the paper, by working with the spirit of the waters by soaking them away or by ripping and stomping - all done with intent and in relation with grandmother moon herself.

Wishing you a beautiful Full Supermoon in Sagittarius!

With love and gratitude,

Amy xx


Soul Inquiry Journal Prompts


Super Full Moon June 2021